IITD/IRD/SURA-2023/247965 dt. 23/02/2024 |
Final Result for awarding SURA projects under SURA-2023 |
23/02/2024 |
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IITD/IRD/SURA-2025/357464 Dt. 16/01/2025 |
Undergraduate Research Opportunity Programme (UROP) inviting project proposals for Summer Undergraduate Research Award (SURA) for the year 2025. |
16/01/2025 |
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IITD/IRD/M-96/339668 dated 14/11/2024 |
Inviting applications for few vacant IRD Project Staff Apartments from project staff working on yearly contractual basis under sponsored research projects |
14/11/2024 |
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IITD/IRD/M-96/330800 Dt.21/10/2024 |
Inviting applications for few vacant IRD Project Staff Apartments from project staff working on yearly contractual basis under sponsored research projects |
21/10/2024 |
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IITD/HIRD/CW-Genl.(In)/313636 dt.02/09/2024 |
Tax Deduction at Source (TDS) Exemption Certificate (Year 2024-2025) |
02/09/2024 |
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IITD/IRD/M-96/312307 Dt.28/08/2024 |
Inviting applications for few vacant IRD Project Staff Apartments from project staff working on yearly contractual basis under Sponsored Research Projects |
28/08/2024 |
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IITD/IRD/M-190/303393 Dt.01/08/2024 |
Medical Insurance Scheme for temporary IRD Unit Employees and Sponsored Research Project Staff working on yearly contractual basis |
01/08/2024 |
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IITD/IRD/M-96/288535 dt.19/06/2024 |
Inviting applications for few vacant IRD Project Staff Apartments from project staff working on yearly contractual basis under sponsored research projects |
19/06/2024 |
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IITD/IRD/M-96/288535 dt.19/06/2024 |
Inviting applications for few vacant IRD Project Staff Apartments from Project Staff working on yearly contractual basis under Sponsored Research Projects |
19/06/2024 |
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IITD/IRD/M-52/271495 dated 01/05/2024 |
Extending the time-line for closure of Projects |
01/05/2024 |
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IITD/IRD/M-96/261750 dated 27/03/2024 |
Inviting application for few vacant IRD Project Staff Apartments from project staff working on yearly contractual basis under sponsored research projects (M-96) |
27/03/2024 |
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IITD/IRD/M-038/258807 Dt. 21/03/2024 |
Revision of consolidated pay-slabs/salaries for various categories of contractual staff appointed under Sponsored Research Projects/Consultancy Jobs / Misc. Projects and creation of new -High-Level Positions for CoEs/Projects/Consultancies |
21/03/2024 |
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IITD/IRD/M-52/251909 Dated 06/03/2024 |
Request for closure of Sponsored Research Projects |
06/03/2024 |
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IITD/IRD/M-96/247010 Dated 20/02/2024 |
Inviting applications for few vacant IRD Project Staff Apartments Accommodation from project staff working on yearly contractual basis under sponsored research projects. |
20/02/2024 |
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IITD/IRD/SURA-2024/245280 Dt. 20/02/2024 |
Undergraduate Research Opportunity Programme(UROP) inviting project proposals for Summer Undergraduate Research Award (SURA) for the year 2024 |
20/02/2024 |
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IITD/IRD/M-96/234667 dt.16/01/2024 |
Inviting applications for few vacant IRD Project Staff Apartments from Project Staff working on yearly contractual basis under sponsored research projects |
16/01/2024 |
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IITD/IRD/SURA-2024/232429 dt. 10/01/2024 |
Undergraduate Research Opportunity Programme (UROP) inviting project proposals for Summer Undergraduate Research Award (SURA) for the year 2024 |
10/01/2024 |
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IITD/IRD/M-96/221746 Dated 11/12/2023 |
Inviting applications for few vacant IRD Project Staff Apartments from Project Staff working on Yearly Contractual basis under Sponsored Research Projects. |
11/12/2023 |
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Weeding Off Information of Consultancy jobs |
Weeding Off Information of Consultancy jobs closed between 01/04/2009 to 31/03/2016 |
17/11/2023 |
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IITD/IRD/M-96/193351 Dated 05/09/2023 |
Inviting applications for few vacant IRD Project Staff Hostel Accommodation from married project staff working on yearly contractual basis under sponsored research projects (Ref.IITD/IRD/M-96/186320 dated 16/08/2023). |
05/09/2023 |
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IITD/IRD/M-52/191626 Dated 29/08/2023 |
Proposal to implement revised fellowships for RA/SRF & JRF under the sponsored research
projects/consultancy jobs. |
29/08/2023 |
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IITD/IRD/M-190/186511 dated 17/08/2023 |
Medical Insurance Scheme Renewal for the year 2023-2024 |
17/08/2023 |
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IITD/IRD/M-96/186320 Dated 16/08/2023 |
Inviting applications for vacant IRD Project Staff Apartments from married Project Staff working on yearly contractual basis under Sponsored Research Projects |
16/08/2023 |
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IITD/IRD/SURA-2023/126118 dated 23/02/2023 |
Extension for submission of project proposals under SURA-2023 |
23/02/2023 |
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23/02/2023 |
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