Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi is an academic Institute dedicated to excellence in teaching and research. Its activities, centred on faculty/students/ /project staff/ supporting staff/visitors are based on knowledge and intellectual exercise. In the era of technology domination, where values and perceptions change at brisk pace, Indian Institutes of Technology, in particular, have to preserve the fundamental spirit of academics on one hand and have to march ahead, on the other, accepting changing realities of business economy based on knowledge generated, protected and disseminated under the intellectual property regime. In the evolving scenario of the world today, with increasing awareness of the ‘knowledge asset’, an Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Policy is needed not only to preserve the interest of IITD but also to make IITD faculty/students /project staff/ supporting staff/ visitors aware of ‘knowledge asset and its impact on the society’.

The present policy facilitates protection of the right of the Inventor(s) of IITD i.e. faculty/students /project staff/ supporting staff /visitors of IITD through the option of Intellectual property protection on a novel work or to keep it in public domain as they may deem fit. In alignment with the Vision and Mission of IITD, the policy favours outreach of the novel technologies developed at IITD. At the same time, it motivates the faculty, students and researchers of IITD to initiate technology transfer using the intellectual property rights gained over a novel technology.

In today’s knowledge based economy, bio‐based sectors are fast emerging and are also being promoted by IITD. The present policy intends to take into consideration the sustainable use of biological diversity by IITD faculty/students /project staff/ supporting staff, its conservation, deposition of biological samples and use of natural resource based traditional knowledge as per the Indian statutory IP regime.


  • It enables IITD to discharge its primary responsibility of fostering, stimulating and encouraging creative activities in the area of science and technology in the widest sense;
  • It lays down the norms to protect the legitimate interest of faculty/students/ project staff/ supporting staff /visitors of IITD and the society in a rational manner consistent with the ‘commitment’ of IITD and ‘role’ assigned to it by the society;
  • It provides a transparent administrative system for the ownership, control and transfer of the intellectual property created and owned by the Institute;
  • It shares a global perception of practices related to intellectual property retaining national identity and local constraints, avoiding as far as possible ‘conflict’ of opposing interests;
  • It keeps into consideration the sustainable use of bio‐resources and conservation of biodiversity;
  • The policy promotes fair use of traditional knowledge while recognizing local traditional knowledge stakeholders and benefit sharing.
IPR Policy of IIT Delhi Download