Call for proposals

Funding Agency Call for Proposals Last Date Remarks File
Department of Science and Technology India - Israel Industrial R&D and Technological Innovation Fund (I4F) 24/11/2018 - View/Download
Ministry of Human Resource Development Scheme for Promotion of Academic and Research Collaboration (SPARC) 15/11/2018 - View/Download
Department of Science and Technology Optimal Water Use in Industrial Sector 31/10/2018 - View/Download
Department of Science and Technology Indo-Finnish Joint Call for Mobility of Researchers 15/10/2018 - View/Download
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Gates Foundation Grant Opportunities 14/11/2018 - View/Download
Department of Biotechnology 5th Indo-Spanish Joint Call for Technological Cooperation in Biotechnology 2018 01/10/2018 - View/Download
Department of Biotechnology Genome Engineering/Editing Technology Initiative (GETin) Program 30/09/2018 - View/Download
Ministry of Shipping Concept paper related to development of shipping sector 15/09/2018 - View/Download
Google Faculty Research Awards (2018) 30/09/2018 - View/Download
Department of Biotechnology Global Stars Call for Proposals for Joint R&D Projects under EUREKA 01/10/2018 - View/Download